I know, it's a creepy ass image, isn't it? Well, if you ever wanted to know how to make your kids look like The Undead, now you know. Stick their little heads in the scanner.

Then he figured out that you could put just about anything you wanted to in the scanner and a picture of it would pop up on mommy's computer. So we started with the bink.....

And moved on to a hand......

Next came a toy truck he found under my bed.....

And then another toy truck he found under my desk....He's laughing hysterically by this time. Running back and forth from his room to mine with new treasures to scan...

Here we have his "fix it" goggles....

And a sad lonely little Lincoln Log. ( I love that they still make those.)

Followed quickly by this poor squished stormtrooper....

Then the shoes. These were a gift from Judy, a dear friend in New York. My son wears these shoes EVERYWHERE we go. He loves them. They have zippers on the sides and he can put them on and take them off himself. I printed this one out for him. He took the picture to bed with him tonight.
And last but not least we have.....

Okay, if you can figure out what this is you're a damn good guesser and will be hearalded as "The Best Guesser of All Time". I know what it is. The three year old knows what it is. My husband looked at this picture and said, "What the fuck is that?"
Now you know what my family does for fun on a Sunday night.
It looks like a scientific experiment or alien life form of some sort, although I am sure there is a better explanation.
I wish I hadn't seen that picture of your son right now when I'm already late for bed. *shudder* Creepy zombie child. I'm sure he's much better looking when not flat on the scanner, but still. *runs and hides*
Is the last thing one of those rubber balls with stuff inside it?
And Ian wins the prize for Best Guesser. It is a rubber ball.
Nicely done Ian!!!!
Damn. I was gonna go "marble".
Cool idea! If it rains again today, I think I'll keep my child busy scanning cool stuff! It'll keep her entertained and me from getting drunk!
Or, you could get drunk AND scan the child. That could be very entertaining. Let me know how that works out.
Oh, and I think we may actually be posting these at the same time...creepy, huh?
OR...wait for it...I'll get both myself AND the child drunk and we'll both SCAN OURSELVES!
HAH! I kill me!
No, please. It was a joke. I'd never scan a drunk child. That's just wrong on so many levels.
Oh, DD, how I miss you!
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