
Two Whole Weeks....

I bet ya thought I died and went to Blogger Heaven, huh?

Nothing quite so terrible. I've just been, well, for lack of a better word, sad. And more than a little distracted. And a lot scatter brained. And a whole list of other things that have long names and medications to go along with them. None of which are contagious.

This would be one of those times my therapist would accuse me of using humor to deflect the real issue. To which I say: Damn Straight! At least I'm not drunk and dancing on the bar of the local biker hang out. (Hey, don't laugh, that happened once. I made $800 bucks)

Anyway, I'm back and mostly in place. Next time I promise to leave a forwarding address.


Paula said...

Loads of bloggers have been taking breaks. Glad to see you're back!

Hope the sad stuff gets cured ASAP.

super des said...

Go do that again. Dancing is always fun.

Suzanne said...

Yay! I missed you, and I hope that you are feeling better. And Des is right - $800 bucks is quite an impressive take for an evening.

Whiskeymarie said...

How odd that so many of us blogger girls are going through a funk right now.
Is it in the water, the air, or our computers...?

Oh, and the e-mail thingy will be on it's way soon. I'm slow like that.

jessabean said...

Glad to see you are back, and I hope you feel better. Medicine is lovely, I just got a whole bunch today myself.

Anonymous said...

Wondered where you went! Better living through modern chemistry is good for what ails you...but yeah, there does seem to be something in the cyberwaters lately.

SUEB0B said...

I was kinda wondering where you were.

I am at the age where bikers would pay me $800 to NOT dance on the bar.

Gunfighter said...

I wish someone would give me that $800! I'd do it in a minute!