
Because I'm at work and I'm bored....That's why!

Your Personality Profile

You are dignified, spiritual, and wise.

Always unsatisfied, you constantly try to better yourself.

You are also a seeker of knowledge and often buried in books.

You tend to be philosophical, looking for the big picture in life.

You dream of inner peace for yourself, your friends, and the world.

A good friend, you always give of yourself first.

You Are: 60% Dog, 40% Cat

You are a nice blend of cat and dog.

You're playful but not too needy. And you're friendly but careful.

And while you have your moody moments, you're too happy to stay upset for long.

Arty Kid

Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique.

You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented!

Tired of this yet??? Well I'm still bored....

Okay, this one my husband is going to get a kick out of...

Your Stripper Song Is

Master and Servant by Depeche Mode

"There?s a new game

We like to play you see

A game with added reality

You treat me like a dog

Get me down on my knees"

Yawn, dancing is so boring without a little spice.

You Are the Very Gay Bert and Ernie!

Two grown puppets living together, sleeping in the same room?

They've even got coordinating striped shirts!

Okay, I'll be done now.